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    Color Your Stress Away: The Therapeutic Magic of Adult Coloring

    In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of tranquility can be a challenging task. Coloring can be the unassuming hero that offers a haven of peace, creativity and even some connection. I want to share some of the ways coloring may come to the rescue and allow you experience some calm, peaceful relaxation with a creative twist and an easy piece of art to remember the moment with. Imagine sinking into your favorite armchair, enveloped in the gentle glow of a lamp. The soft rustle of turning pages mingles with the gentle scritch-scratch of your colored…

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    5 Minute Meditations

    Choosing a quick and enjoyable meditation can seem overwhelming when there are so many options. Here are 5 options you can come back to again and again. The guided meditations help keep your attention and pull you deeper into relaxation one moment at a time. I encourage you to try each one and see what resonates with you. Listen daily, in the morning, during breaks or at night before bed to calm yourself into sleep.