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    5 Minute Meditations

    Choosing a quick and enjoyable meditation can seem overwhelming when there are so many options. Here are 5 options you can come back to again and again. The guided meditations help keep your attention and pull you deeper into relaxation one moment at a time. I encourage you to try each one and see what resonates with you. Listen daily, in the morning, during breaks or at night before bed to calm yourself into sleep.

  • manifestation

    The Secret Ingredient to Manifesting Abundance: It’s Not Luck, It’s This…

    Have you ever stared at a picture of your dream vacation, wishing you were sinking your toes into that white sand right now? Or imagine holding that promotion letter, feeling the weight of accomplishment in your hands? I get it. I’ve been there countless times, stewing in that ‘why doesn’t this exist for me yet?’ frustration. There is a trick to actually getting what you want… and I’m going to share it with you. The first thing is you need to realize is… The feeling disappointment that you don’t already have what you want is ACTUALLY keeping you from obtaining your desire! What we tend…