
The Secret Ingredient to Manifesting Abundance: It’s Not Luck, It’s This…

Have you ever stared at a picture of your dream vacation, wishing you were sinking your toes into that white sand right now? Or imagine holding that promotion letter, feeling the weight of accomplishment in your hands?

I get it. I’ve been there countless times, stewing in that ‘why doesn’t this exist for me yet?’ frustration.

There is a trick to actually getting what you want…

and I’m going to share it with you.

The first thing is you need to realize is…

The feeling disappointment that you don’t already have what you want is ACTUALLY keeping you from obtaining your desire!

What we tend to keep saying is:

  • why am I not already traveling the world
  • why can’t I have nice things
  • I want that sexy car but I still don’t have it

But what if we could reframe these questions? What if the path to getting what we want actually starts with believing it’s already coming?

There’s actually a powerful secret to manifesting your desires… it’s all about what you’re focusing on.

Even reading this letter is part of the magic creating your desire.

You have to know without a doubt that everything you are doing, like it or not, is bringing you exactly what you want.

  • Your thoughts related to your job tasks
  • Your feelings about the people you are around
  • The things you choose to say out loud (are they positive or do you tend to complain?)

The more you start to realize this and practice it…

The more you start to actually love what you are doing, regardless of how mundane it may seem.

Even washing dishes, when done with the mindset that it’s getting you closer to your dream, becomes infused with purpose and joy.

This is how manifestation really works!

There is a powerful saying Be, Do, Have.

Be the person, doing the things you would do, once you have what you are dreaming of.

If you want to live life on your on accord, brining in dough without a manager breathing down your back…

  • Start getting up like you would as a successful business owner
  • Learn the skills you would be practicing daily (check this out for guidance)
  • Connect with others that are doing the same thing

Being the person you are dreaming of is like a magic wand…

It brings you want you desire before your very eyes.

Start shifting your focus, embrace the journey, and witness the magic of ‘Be, Do, Have’ unfold in your life. Share your success stories and inspire others – remember, we’re all on this journey together!